Executive Coaching, Assessment & Development
- Structured sequence of integrated sessions that focus on behavioral outcomes
- Designed and executed with Customer (Company) and Client (Coachee) objectives “at the center”
- Validated tools and practices known to influence individual performance and organization support for change
- Customer options for enhanced and/or customized services and timeframes
- Tangible plan for making and sustaining behavior change
- Results validated by Company; explicit expectations communicated to Coachee
- Open access to Koeppel Associates resources for Company Sponsor, HR Business Partner and Coachee for duration of assignment (beyond scheduled sessions) and post-assignment
High Impact Assignments
Hundreds of Executives Personally Coached
Across multiple industries develop:
- Key leaders transitioning to new roles
- High Potentials being groomed for future assignments
- Incumbents with significant responsibility struggling in current role
- Participants in sponsored leadership programs (from senior to early career)
- Individuals making career changes within/outside their organizations
Executive coaching efforts led to improvement in individual:
- Business performance
- Leadership behavior
- Career development
Snapshot of Outcomes
- Off to a fast start
- Accelerated progression
- Fighting chance to succeed
- Reinforced company commitment: words + deeds
- Supportive redirection with integrity
An Executive Assessment Partnership
- Partner with leading global search firm to assess “top 20” internal executives of a Fortune 200 company as potential CEO succession candidates. Calibrate vs. external benchmarks and internal peers.
- Candidate Profiles used to recommend prioritized short-list of future CEO candidates along with development plans for each.
- Slate approved and implemented by companies’ Board of Directors.
Culture Change for Senior Management
- Initiated and implement all aspects of a “Senior Management Practices” project including an intensive six-day training program for the top 530 officers. Focus on strategic repositioning of the company within the financial services industry and the culture change required to support it.
- Follow-up survey showed that 72 percent of officers positively shifted their management behavior based on 360-degree feedback and other assessments.
Executive/Management Training in Global Corporations
- Communicate business strategies, leadership expectations, principles, tools and skills required to succeed in global corporations.
- Served on Faculty of Executive Development programs (Advanced Leadership; Coaching for Performance; Career Management and many others) in multiple industries, geographies and functions.
Supporting a Board of Directors
- Guide the Board of Directors of a large Healthcare Professional Association through complete process for assessing and selecting an Executive Director.
- Successful candidate hired, bringing new leadership skill and knowledge to an industry Association in transition.
Leadership Skills Training in Africa
- Design, develop and facilitate leadership program to provide change management skills for Directors of African country public sector Clinical Laboratory organizations.
- Program adapted as standing curriculum by PEPFAR-funded international agency striving to build leadership capabilities in emerging nations.